Periodic Inspection of Cargo Lift Platform

Periodic Inspection of Cargo Lift Platform

They are platforms that can be lifted by hydraulic lifting devices, designed to hold heavy loads, and have steel construction bodies and used to lift the loads to desired levels. Load platforms are designed for heavy working conditions.

The load platform is made of completely steel material and works with hydraulic system. A wide range of load platforms can handle heavy loads. Also known as load platform, scissor lift, hydraulic platform, hydraulic load platform, scissor lift platform and load lifter

With special lifting mechanisms, you can easily drop the load on the platform and carry it to the desired height in load platforms that can go down to very low floor height. These platforms, which are widely used, are indispensable equipment especially in places such as factories and construction sites.

Although the lifting platforms are designed and manufactured to protect the employee and the platform, they are ultimately used for heavy work and there is always a possibility of danger. There are various models of lifting platforms suitable for the purposes of use such as hydraulic load platform, low type load platform, scissor platform tandem, load platform U type, and platform sizes, carrying capacities and lifting capacities may differ from each other. 

Lifting platforms in the category of lifting transmission equipment must be able to safely lift and hold a weight of at least 1,25 times the declared load and must have a durable brake system.

In accordance with the relevant regulation, inspections and inspections must be carried out by engineers, technicians or high technicians who have been trained in this subject. The Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment stipulates that the load lifting platforms should be checked at least once a year if no other period is specified in the relevant standards. Stability tests can also be performed for load lifting platforms if necessary. These tests are made based on the criteria shown in the relevant standards.

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