Sling and Steel Rope Periodic Inspection

Sling and Steel Rope Periodic Inspection

Steel ropes have a wide variety of uses, especially in construction sites, factories and similar workplaces, and are indispensable as the most important part of many machines in the class of lifting transmission equipment. Especially in cranes, steel ropes are one of the most important parts. Steel ropes carry the entire load on the cranes.

Sometimes ropes that pull tons of load can cause huge accidents if not used correctly and controlled. The lifespan of steel ropes is affected by many reasons caused by heavy use of steel ropes due to wear, metal fatigue, corrosion, bending, bending and misuse. 

Especially in some cases, steel ropes should not be used and should be replaced immediately. Steel ropes should no longer be used if, for example, there has been rust, or if the wires have been severely damaged, such as breakage, opening, bending, or excessive wear. If there are broken wires, they should be cut and if the number of broken wires is dangerous for safety, steel rope should be replaced.

In such cases, the neglected steel rope can cause many fatal accidents. In addition, if the diameter changes due to excessive load on the rope, this should also be taken into consideration and the steel rope should be changed if necessary. If there is a risk of corrosion on the rope, the internal structure of the ropes must also be considered. The limit numbers of broken wires for removing the wire rope from use are shown in the relevant standards according to the rope diameter.

Chains, fiber ropes, textiles etc. in steel ropes. different combinations of mechanics are used, and these are called slings. There are a wide variety of sling combinations such as vertical linkage, mooring link, two lever link, double lever link, four lever link, single basket link, double basket linkage.

Slings and straps can create negative situations that endanger the safety of life and property, so it is very important to create and use the right combination. 

In all installations where steel ropes are used, chains, slings, pulleys, hooks, brakes and automatic stops must be checked by a technical person every 3 monthly. Pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Law and the Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment, lifting machines and vehicles used in the enterprises must be checked in this way before each operation.

In order to prevent possible dangers and to protect the safety of employees in the event of an accident, periodical inspections of deflected and steel ropes should be carried out at least once a year in accordance with legal regulations. These checks must be performed by mechanical engineers, machine technicians or high technicians.

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