Personnel Lift Periodic Inspection

Personnel Lift Periodic Inspection

Freight and personnel elevators are used on interior and exterior facades for safe and easy transportation of personnel and cargo to high floors. There are many areas where the tower crane cannot enter, in large construction projects, load transportation and unloading works. In these regions, freight and personnel elevators increase efficiency by being easily installed and disassembled, and save labor and time. 

There are models with different motors and speeds as well as single or double cabin models of personnel and freight elevators with working heights up to 150 meters. Double cabin personnel and freight elevators can move independently on a single column. In this way, a lot of work is done in the most economical way in a short time.

Equipped with maximum safety, these elevators move up and down by means of a rack gear mechanism mounted on columns and self-braking gearmotors. The columns and main unit chassis used in freight and personnel elevators are resistant to corrosion due to their hot dip galvanized structure. In order to extend the life of the machine and motors in freight and personnel elevators; There are overload sensors to prevent exceeding the maximum carrying capacity, and a speed control device to provide soft start and stop.

It has numerous safety systems such as personnel and load-bearing elevators, motorized brake system, parachute brake system, overload warning system, shock absorber on the ground against sudden falls, double control system inside the cabins. In addition, a number of safety and practical measures have been taken in these elevators, such as safety measures at the doors, manual release of the engine brakes, cable guide trolley, upper and lower limit limit safety systems.

Personnel and freight elevators, employees and cargo must not endanger the safety of life and property. In order to achieve this, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology issued the Elevator Operation, Maintenance and Periodic Control Regulation. This regulation includes the rules that must be followed regarding the operation, maintenance and periodic inspections of the elevators.

The Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment describes the conditions that must be complied with for the healthy and safe use of work equipment. Accordingly, personnel and load-bearing elevators should be checked once a year unless another period is stipulated in the relevant standards.

Personnel and freight elevators are included in the group of lifting and transmission vehicles. According to the regulation, inspection and inspection operations must be carried out by mechanical engineers, machine technicians or high technicians. The electrical parts of these elevators should be checked by authorized persons.

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