Periodical Inspection of Solid Fuel and Natural Gas Boilers

Periodical Inspection of Solid Fuel and Natural Gas Boilers

Boilers used in buildings for heating purposes can use two different fuels. Although natural gas is the most widely used fuel type today, there is also a substantial amount of solid fuel usage. Coal, wood, etc. On the heating systems using solid fuel, there are speed adjustable fans that help keep the ambient temperature constant and provide controlled combustion. Their designs are made to provide the highest efficiency from the solid fuel used.

Thanks to the safe working system, the heating system is protected against heating. As the commissioning and discharging of the boiler is entirely due to electronic circuits, possible faults are also minimized.

Natural gas fired boilers are generally divided into two as atmospheric and blow burner boilers. According to their power, small boilers up to 50 kW (floor heating boilers) are called medium-sized boilers in the 50-500 kW range, and those above 500 kW are called big boilers. They can also be classified according to the material they are made (casting, steel boilers, etc.) and their working style (low temperature, condensation boilers, etc.).

Natural gas is a flammable and dangerous substance. Installation without drawing natural gas projects can be dangerous. For the safe and efficient operation of the boilers to work with natural gas, the warnings and instructions of the manufacturer should be followed. If the system is not properly installed or maintained properly, the system produces carbon monoxide, a toxic gas, which is very dangerous for human health.

Although it is sufficient to have normal periodic maintenance of the boilers using natural gas since they do not cause excessive pollution in the boiler pipes, both the Occupational Health and Safety Law and the Health and Safety Conditions of Work Equipment Regulation, in order to protect the safety of people and property, the heating boilers with solid fuel or natural gas are required their examinations. In the annex of the Regulation (Annex 3 Maintenance, Repair and Periodic Controls), in the article titled Pressure Vessels and Installations, if no other period is specified in the relevant standards for this type of heating boilers, periodic inspections are required at least once a year.

Periodic controls of the heating boilers are carried out in accordance with the regulations in the scope of the pressure equipment regulation, the regulation of portable pressure equipment and the regulation of simple pressure vessels.

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