Vibration Exposure Measurement

Vibration Exposure Measurement

Vibration is an expression that describes the oscillatory movements occurring in a mechanical system. Mechanical vibration, especially in factories and similar workplaces, can create many negative conditions for employee health when exposed for a long time. For this reason, the relevant ministry has issued a regulation on this subject and determined the criteria to be brought in place and limit values ​​to be followed in terms of vibration exposure.

It is the responsibility of the employers to protect the employee from the dangers that may occur in the workplace. Determining the risks arising from mechanical vibrations is one of the issues that the employer must fulfill. The employer has to make the requirements according to the results after the risk assessment. Measurements should address the health and safety impact of all employees. Another point that needs to be emphasized while making risk assessment is the interaction of vibration generating vehicles with the working environment or with other tools. 

Vibration arises in theory from the motion between different kinds of energies. Some equipment creates oscillating movements and causes vibration while in operation, and vibration occurs in such vehicles that are running and not well balanced. Vibration frequency is the number of vibrations obtained per unit time and is measured in Hertz terms.

Vibration The exposure limit value is the value at which workers should not be subjected to any vibration above this value. Workers exposed to low frequency vibrations often experience a slight jolt. However, if exposed to high frequency vibrations, it may cause a tingling or burning sensation in working people. The effects of vibration on the human body can be physical, psychological, physiological or pathological.

Vibration is not unusual for the human body. In the natural life of man, there is no environment in which he can be exposed to high frequency vibrations for a long time. Therefore, the body's response to this can be very different. However, in general, every person will react negatively to this. The medical and biological effects of vibration on the body depend on the duration and intensity of vibration. The high vibration frequency has a distinct effect on the human body. The body's reaction to mechanical vibration is very complex and not well known.

Since the negative effects of vibration in terms of human health are not known, there is not enough sensitivity on this subject in our country. In order to protect employees from vibration, workplaces are required to carry out vibration exposure measurements, to provide machines suitable for operation, and to have machine maintenance performed regularly.

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