ISO 27001 Information Security Management System

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System

Whatever form the information takes, or whatever means it is shared or collected, it must always be properly protected. While compensation is possible in the event of the loss of many assets, the lost information has no monetary equivalent. For this reason, in today's changing and developing conditions, the importance and protection of information is increasing.

Information; It can be used and stored in electronic media, verbally, in employees' memories and in many other ways. Information security protects information from broad danger and threat areas to ensure commercial continuity, minimize commercial losses and maximize the return of commercial opportunities and investments. Information can be found in many forms. It may be written and printed on paper, stored electronically, sent by mail or using electronic means, shown on films, or verbally expressed in conversation.

In the protection of information, identifying security risks and threats to information assets and controlling open points in the system require serious efforts. Establishing information security and ensuring the continuity of the controls to be carried out depends on establishing the relevant security principles correctly and determining the management processes correctly. 

In today's business world, information security is considered a serious risk, and defining and performing consistent information security controls, as well as taking risks to acceptable levels, is based on establishing certain standards within the organization.

Organizations in each sector can establish an Information Security Management System if they feel the need to protect information. However, especially in banks and financial institutions, health institutions, government agencies, information technology sector protection of information is much more important.

ISO / IEC 27001 is the only international auditable standard that defines the requirements of the Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is designed to allow selection of adequate and proportionate safety audits.

The ISO / IEC 27001 Information Security Management System, issued by the International Standards Organization, is a set of standards that help protect and manage valuable information assets. It is the only international system that defines the required standards for information security. This system is designed to ensure that adequate and proportionate safety controls are selected. ISO 27000 standards have been prepared by the Joint Technical Committee established by the International Standards Organization and the International Electrotechnical Commission.

Companies that have set up an ISO 27001 Information Security Management System identify information infrastructures, analyze possible attacks and hazards on these assets and decide what to do if these hazards occur. This is the most important system among the integrated management systems, especially for the organizations that are trying to gain corporate identity. 

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System is an international framework that helps companies protect their financial data, intellectual property and sensitive customer information. With ISO 27001, companies can identify risks, manage or reduce the risk of confidential information. In addition, they fulfill the necessary security measures in this direction. This helps you continually review and refine the methods you apply not only for today but also for the future. ISO 27001 protects your business reputation and reputation. It adds value to your business by giving confidence to your customers and all stakeholders.

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