ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System

ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System

Greenhouse gas can be called gas compounds that can absorb infrared rays in the atmosphere. This means that greenhouse gas traps and traps heat in the atmosphere. In this way, greenhouse gases increase the temperature in the atmosphere and cause global warming with the effect of greenhouse gases and thus climate change.

Since the industrial revolution, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased as a result of human activities, the Earth's surface has been warmed by the greenhouse effect and climate changes have been experienced. Unfortunately, human activity causes a significant increase in these gases. These gases, which create a greenhouse effect, are water vapor up to 70 percent, carbon dioxide around 25 maximum, methane at maximum 9 percentage and ozone at most 7 percentage. They consist of natural ways.

Besides, as a result of various activities of people, there are ups and downs in these gas levels. However, excessive fluctuations in these rates are gradually losing the effect of greenhouse gases, which can have adverse consequences for the earth. 

As a result of all this, climate changes occur. Climate change has negative effects on people on the one hand and natural systems on the other. This creates a danger for resource use, production and economic activities. Therefore, international, national, regional and local initiatives are being taken and implemented in order to limit the greenhouse gas density changes in the world atmosphere.

Such measures for greenhouse gas are for the calculation, monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions. Among these measures, the largest international study is the ISO 14064 standards. ISO 14064 provides both industrial companies and the government with a range of tools to develop programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This system also helps companies operate in accordance with the emissions trading scheme.

ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System standards were initiated by the international standards organization in 2002 for the purpose of calculating, verifying and reducing greenhouse gases, which are the biggest enemy of climate change, and was published in 2006 with the participation of 45 experts from 175 countries and consists of 3 chapters.

Working with international standards for industrial companies provides market superiority, increases reliability and demonstrates that the company is environmentally friendly and operates in this way. The ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Calculation and Verification Management System standards issued by the International Standards Organization aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions voluntarily and have an objective policy.

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