HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System

How to Install HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System

In the hospitality sector, which is the most important sub-category of tourism, many different types of large, small and medium-sized enterprises provide services to millions of domestic and foreign people. As such, the quality of the service provided is determined by setting some international standards. In order to implement these international standards, businesses should use different management systems.

HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System standards are the principles that emerge from such reasons and find application in every country. The establishment of HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System in accommodation facilities requires compliance with the requirements of this system above all. Businesses that want to switch to this system should first establish and implement a quality management system. Without establishing a quality management system and applying the standards of this system, it is not possible to establish the HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System.

The environmental management system, which should be included in the second stage of the system, is based on the adoption of a policy created by paying great attention to the ecological order. Then, under the title of services and offices, international warnings and symbols should be used. Warnings and symbols that can be immediately understood by every customer should be used in the facility, regardless of which country and which language they use. Symbols and signs such as toilet, do not disturb warning, hot water are examples of this. 

Even the phone numbers used must be of a certain standard. For example, reception and domestic numbers should be standard. A common booking form must be used in all tourist facilities. Employees should use a common language where they can easily understand the situation and conditions of the facility. Employees should have a common level of foreign language. Touristic facilities should be established to a certain standard, especially in terms of fire safety.

In addition, the air and water quality must meet certain criteria and also food and beverage, ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard, BRC Global Food Technical standard and HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Management System standard should be established and application of food safety methods should be specified.

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