Vehicle Loading Ramp Periodic Inspection

Vehicle Loading Ramp Periodic Inspection

In sectors such as logistics and transportation, vehicle loading ramps, which are indispensable in the sector because they can provide fast loading and unloading, are a system used by almost all companies and they close the gap between truck and ground. These ramps are generally used in two types.

These systems, which are hinged or hydraulically balanced and optimally balance the level difference between different truck floors and ramps, ensure loading or unloading with a single horizontal movement. Because they have a very strong and inflexible steel construction, they can smoothly compensate for the side slopes of the vehicle even in the event of unbalanced loading of the vehicle. 

Hydraulic vehicle loading ramps, which are easy to use and offer very reliable operation, also have emergency stop valves on the cylinders in the hydraulic systems. In case of an adverse situation, these valves are activated quickly and secure the loading and unloading activity. Hinged vehicle loading ramps are mostly preferred for companies that handle paper or for heavy loads. For light commercial vehicles, hydraulic vehicle loading ramps offer large corners. Ramp dimensions are produced in different models according to the brand and model of the vehicle to be used.

Since both types of loading ramps are used for the loading and unloading of heavy loads, they pose a risk to the safety of the employees and the property safety of the enterprise in the event of an accident. Therefore, regular maintenance should not be neglected. In addition, the Law on Occupational Health and Safety and the Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment have made the necessary arrangements in this regard. The health and safety conditions that must be complied with regarding the use of all work tools and equipment used in the workplaces are included in these legal regulations.

Compliance with these legal regulations issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security is a must. In the Annex of the Regulation on the Maintenance, Repair and Periodic Inspections of the Regulation on Health and Safety in the Use of Work Equipment (Annex 3), vehicle loading ramps are included in the group of lifting and transmitting vehicles. In this respect, it is mandatory to have periodic checks and inspections of the vehicle loading ramps at least once a year.

In order for these checks and reports to be valid every year, this work must be carried out by authorized persons such as mechanical engineers, machine technicians or high technicians.

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