ECOmark Ecological Product Certificate (EKO Label)

What are the benefits of ECOmark

One of the main factors affecting success in ecological agriculture is the awareness of the enterprises on technical and economic issues. Close contact with businesses is required, especially during the transition process. Moreover, the priorities are different for the manufacturing companies from region to region. Therefore, the factors that are effective in the transition to ecological agriculture and success, financial opportunities provided to manufacturers, rapid information flow, product diversity, can be listed in the logos used in planning and packaging.
The market for ecological products is growing, if not the desired size. The most important factor that accelerates the transition to ecological agriculture is the increase in product diversity and the increase of marketing channels. In Switzerland, for example, nearly one percent of the milk sold in a supermarket chain is ecological. In addition, 30 percent of the products sold in this market chain are ecological. These numbers will accelerate the development of ecological agriculture as it grows. The sale of ecological products in supermarkets encourages manufacturers more. However, on the other hand, the consumer needs to be conscious and create demand.
For the first time in our country, the Regulation on the Production of Plant and Animal Products by Ecological Methods was issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 1994. The purpose of this regulation is:
Re-establish and maintain the degraded ecological balance
To realize the production of ecological products
To increase demand for these products
To provide consumers with healthy, quality and ecological products
For this purpose, ecological production and processing of vegetable and animal products to ensure the processing and marketing
Later, in 2010, the same ministry issued the Regulation on Principles and Application of Organic Agriculture. Legal regulations are intended to guarantee consumers. At this point, ecological product logos are effective in guiding consumers. However, the high number of these logos is not correct in terms of confusing consumers.
SCIENCE Technical Control and Certification Inc., with the responsibility of protecting human health and natural environment, has prepared the ECOmark ecological product standard. The benefits of this standard can be listed as follows:
Products are produced without damaging the natural environment
Environmental damage is kept to a minimum in compulsory cases
Products are manufactured according to natural conditions
Wastes disappear spontaneously and spontaneously in the natural environment
Packaging materials do not harm the environment
The document does not guarantee that the products are of good quality, but states that they are of good quality.

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