Halal Certificate

What is Halal Food Certificate?

All people have the right to consume safe food products. In addition, Muslims in accordance with Islamic provisions food, cosmetics and so on. The right to consume products is absolute. Muslims for centuries in accordance with Islamic provisions, food and so on. they had no problems in determining the consumption materials. Because the products consumed were simpler in content and mostly home type. However, with the recent technological developments, the breakthroughs and developments in the food sector brought about product diversity and content complexity.

Considering the dense Muslim population in the world, the importance of the concept of halal food will be better understood. Economically, in the world where there are about 1 billion muslims, the halal food market, which is composed of around 50 million Muslims living only in European countries, is around 80 billion euros annually.

The first country to make halal food certification in the world is Malaysia, the official religious Islam. Halal food operations in Malaysia are carried out by the state and are certified internationally.

Our country is the only Muslim populated country of the European Standardization Committee (CEN). He has served as the chairman and secretarial of the Halal Food Project Committee of the Turkish Standards Institute. The first meeting of the Committee was held in 2013 in September in Istanbul. Halal Food standardization work is expected to be completed within three years. When the work is completed, all the member states of the European Standardization Committee will cancel and harmonize their national standards.

In our country, the Turkish Standards Institute 2011 has started certification studies in July. TSE is based on three standards prepared by the Institute of Standards and Metrology of Islamic Countries, based in Istanbul.

Halal Food Certificate is issued to the demanding food producer companies after the necessary audit works are performed. However, this document does not document whether the products are only halal or forbidden. Certification criteria include a range of criteria, such as whether cleaning and hygiene requirements in production are complied with, whether production processes are documented or not, whether packaging, storage and distribution processes are open. In short, the Halal Food Certificate proves the standards of the products in terms of human values ​​as well as religious values.

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