RoHS Certificate

What is RoHS Certificate

All companies are expected to be sensitive to the environment and human health, even if there are no legal regulations. However, both in the national and international arena, focusing solely on financial gain, the company has thousands of large or small volumes that do not show any sensitivity other than reducing costs, causing irreversible damages to the environment and human health.

In addition, manufacturers are expected to be extremely sensitive to recycling, considering the environmental conditions we are in. However, thousands of companies have not yet taken any action on this subject and have not shown any sensitivity. 

As such, countries have imposed certain restrictions and sanctions by their respective authorities in order to prevent these negativities. However, RoHS, arising from a system requirement valid in the international arena, offers directives that require electronic companies to act in accordance with the environment and human health.

The RoHS certificate stipulates that electronic products circulating in the European market should not contain any harmful elements or chemicals. Thus, all electronic companies that want to do business again in the market must obtain a RoHS certificate. In our country, the Regulation on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, in short, the EEE Regulation, has been published based on the RoHS directive.

Not only companies that produce transistors, connectors, integrated circuits and other electronic materials, but also manufacturers of printed circuits, semi-finished products or finished products using these materials can receive the RoHS Certificate. The key criterion here is not to harm the environment during the manufacture of electronic devices and not to threaten human health during use.

For the RoHS certificate, the products and all parts of the product are sent to an accredited laboratory. If there are no prohibited substances in the product after the necessary tests are carried out, the product may obtain RoHS certificate. However, if the ratio of chemicals that are restricted to use is within the required ranges, a report is given according to the results of the analysis.

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